Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a serious condition that affects many women’s quality of life, but there is therapy available to help stabilize the area and even improve it. I’ve worked closely with many physios and physical therapists to create several routines that can help a woman start connecting with her pelvic floor while she finds a specialist to work with in person, and they will also complement any work done in therapy.
As a result, the testimonies of how Fit2B helps with POP are starting to pour in, but this one from Megan L. is the most powerful one so far:
“I have had moderate to severe Diastasis Recti and pelvic organ prolapse that have been gradually worsening for 8 years and 5 babies. 8 weeks ago I joined Fit2B. 6 weeks ago I received clearance from my midwife and started using the Foundational 5 from Fit2B in addition to Hab-It at-home pelvic floor PT program.

“I am a very busy homeschooling, homesteading, mom of 5 earthly babies, and am busy in my community as a trained birth and bereavement doula, as well as a leader and teacher at my church. I don’t have all day to exercise. I aim for 20-45 minutes a day – whatever I can manage – 5 days per week.
“The photo in the pink shirt is when I started. The blue shirt is today. Not only have I lost a few pounds, but I have lost several inches as my body has begun to heal. To me, this is amazing. I feel the difference in how I walk, how I stand and cook at the counter, how I sit, how I carry my baby, and really everything you take for granted when you don’t have these issues. I feel my TA and obliques naturally engaging as I bend and reach for things.
“I haven’t peed myself with a sneeze, cough, or laugh in weeks, and so many more TMI things many of you I’m sure can relate to, but I won’t detail them here. 😉 I’m just so excited about this progress and how good I feel, and thankful for Fit2B that has been the piece missing in healing myself inside and out for years. I’m only 11 weeks postpartum, and I feel better than I have in years. It excites me to know I can continue this, move past F5 when I’m ready and able, and continue to progress.” – Megan L. as posted here in our private member forum
There are many other stories I could share, but this is a very private issue for most women, and not all them were ready to share their progress on our blog.
What matters more than the stories of other women with pelvic organ prolapse is your story:
- If you’ve ever given birth you should have at least one appointment with a pelvic floor specialist.
- If you’ve been dealing with any type of incontinence you should reach out to a pelvic floor specialist
- If you were injured “down there” during childbirth, athletic activity, a car accident, or have experienced any other trauma that could have damaged your mind-body connection to your deep core, you should see a specialist.
- If you have pain during intercourse, a specialist can help with that as well!
While you search for a pelvic floor physio, physical therapist or specialist, you do not need to be afraid to move if you’re using Fit2B.
What Fit2B provides is highly researched and approved by many specialists world-wide such as this one and this one. Every workout includes breath and alignment-based cues to help our clients begin to regain their core pelvic floor’s functionality and tensegrity.
Your pelvic floor matters.
You aren’t alone.
Millions of moms have never been treated for childbirth injuries, and that’s not okay.
Because there is hope.