Do you believe it’s possible to talk to young girls about their periods and their anatomy without making it about boys and birth control?
We do.
We also believe reproduction is a good thing at the right time. Our 9-14-year-olds aren’t ready for that responsibility though, and when they are you can easily find courses that cover contraception and how babies are made out there everywhere.
You’ll never find something like this, something different, something as unique as your innocent little girl.Â
We’ve created a course that will help her have a stronger core for life while also inspiring her personal sense of appropriate fashion. We’ve created a course that will shorten her birth recovery one day by educating her about her abs, pelvic floor, and bladder in easy to understand words today. We’ve created a course that will take the disgust and fear out of menstruating and those pelvic exams she’ll eventually need.
We created a course for our own daughters.
Yeah, we have 7 girls in the families working behind the scenes of Fit2B. They’re all between the ages of 6 to 16 right now. One of them drew that image of a girl flying a kite for this course.
As a family-friendly fitness site that specializes in core and pelvic floor health, we are very comfortable answering their questions in tactful ways, and we want to pass that onto you.
We know you care deeply about empowering your girl with the right info at the right time about how her body works so that she’ll tell you when something is wrong {and also so you can celebrate with her when things go right} and you want to see her grow up into a happy, healthy young woman who makes a powerful impact in this world.
You want to see her mature into a vibrant, responsible woman who isn’t held back by beastly cramps every month…
… Or preventable over-use injuries from sports.
… Or hormone headaches for 5 days every month.
… Or bladder leakage or constipation.
… Or health problems associated with poor diet and improper nutrition.
… Or chronic low energy and mood swings.
… Or powerlessness to say no when someone pushes her limits.
… Or fear of what might happen at the midwife or gynecologist’s standard pelvic exam.
… Or an inability to verbalize exactly which body part has a problem along with a lack of knowledge about what’s normal vs. common so she can detect early warning signs and seek help.
How on earth did we cram all that into an eCourse that educates young girls without scaring them?
Well, when we first started curating this course in 2016, we weren’t sure. So we asked for a LOT of help, and we got it! You see, as the world’s premier provider of family-friendly home fitness, we’re well-connected with many stellar female health experts around the world who know more than we do, and we picked ones who are REALLY GOOD at talking to girls who are teens and preteens.
Each contributing instructor — myself included — submitted a video, written content, and short quiz for their lesson. We’ve also curated an entire section full of lots of downloadable printable worksheets that are seriously fun and educational!
Here Are the Awesome Lessons & Contributors:
Line Up A Lifetime Of Fitness
The fitness choices your girl makes now will impact her for years to come, and it’s important for her to understand that all movement matters. I, Beth Learn, Founder of Fit2B, cover key concepts that will encourage your girl to enjoy fitness in many ways throughout her life by showing her it’s about having fun and using her body in fantastic ways.
Eating Healthy
This lesson on holistic nutrition is tackled by co-contributors Beth Jones, MEd, ATC/R, RES-CPT, CHC, Women’s Performance and Recovery Specialist, and Katie Kimball, founder of Kitchen Stewardship & author of Kids Cook Real Food. Together these ladies cover reading food labels, choosing nutritious snacks, fad diets, and the vocabulary of eating healthy, and more!
Becoming An Unstoppable Fit2B Girl: Mind, Heart & Strength
Dr. Sara Smith, WHPTÂ specializes in applying mental, emotional and spiritual health to her thriving practice as a women’s health physical therapist. Her “mad libs” style printable and content teach girls how to see themselves in a positive light, reminding them that this world needs their unique brand of purpose and personality.
Healthy Fashion & Beauty Tips
Alice Behnke, Author and Fashion Consultant provided several vibrant videos and easy to follow tips on self-care so that our girls can learn the basics on their faces, hair, skin and appropriate fashion. The way she makes it all about putting our best selves out there is such a fresh perspective!
The First Pelvic Exam
Jacob Mearse, CNM, DNP, PMHNPÂ is one of only 200 male midwives in America, and the way he puts the gown over his clothes and hops up into the stirrups himself PLUS the way he educates your girl on her right to control any doctor’s appointment or exam will have you cheering! Read more about why he was selected in our FAQ section up top.
Natural Period Pain Relief
Dr. Michelle Winchell, NDÂ is who I trust with all my clients dealing with hormone imbalances, and she does such a lovely job of connecting the dots between our periods and how we care for our bodies. A little period discomfort is normal, but a lot is not! Our girls can do many things to improve their cycles!
Better Bladder & Bowel Health
Carrie Koziol, WHPT, Pre/Postnatal Pilates Specialist, DRA Specialist has such an elegant yet direct way of discussing the human body. You’ll thoroughly enjoy the way she sits up on her bathroom sink and uses a plastic bag to show how bladders work. She gets real about potty posture and pooping without being gross. Her lesson is truly for everyone!
Your Female Anatomy
This one is also by me, Beth Learn, Founder of Fit2B, because I’ve always been such a body nerd, and I honestly didn’t want to let anyone else write the descriptions my daughter would be reading that define such delicate private parts. Every bit of our female anatomy has health functions beyond procreation, so it was a delight to describe every piece within an accordion menu that gives you, the guide, total control on which parts you want to educate your girl about and when. The simple, colorful drawings are by a 16-year old girl.
Charting Your Cycle To Understand Your Body’s Rhythms
Donielle Baker, Author, Natural Fertility Specialist really connects with girls of all ages in this lesson that simplifies charting. While it’s typically used as a tool to produce or prevent pregnancy, we believe charting is also valuable for young girls to help them understand how mood, energy level, various discharges, and even certain sensations reveal how our bodies work. These same signals can also tell us about the state of our health, and she includes two different basic printable charts.
Periods & Sports
Dr. Julie Granger, PT, DPT, SCSÂ is an author, cancer survivor, swimmer, and pelvic health physical therapist who specializes in young female athletes. Her lesson is actually a story about a girl who has begun missing her period and suffers a fracture. How are those things related? You’ll find out!
Period Product Options
My own daughter and I gathered up pelvis model and samples of EVERY SINGLE period product out there — cups, pads, tampons, sponges, cloth, synthetic, organic, disposables, reusables — and we made an objective, non-biased video showing each item, how it works, where it goes, and cautions and cleanliness for each. Then I used another accordion menu to allow you to pick different items and see pictures and descriptions. Girls have a lot of options, and we want them to be informed about all of them.
Core Confidence
This lesson with Kelly Dean, LPT and founder of The Tummy Team, delves into the anatomy and physiology of how core muscles work. Girls will learn how their abs impact their alignment and attitudes. As a physical therapist who specializes in postpartum rehab, Kelly can truly help our girls understand how to prevent issues like diastasis recti, hernia and prolapse.
Body Image & Eating Disorders
Hard to discuss, but evidently on the rise, my own personal physical therapist, Dana Hilz, DPT, has a beautiful story and lots of statistics to share with you. Her video interview is a tear-jerker, and her lesson is full of real resources, preventative tips, valuable facts, and hope! Let’s teach our girls that food isn’t a weapon and that all bodies are beautiful.
Whew! That’s a lot. So you’ll have access forever!
No time limits. No rush to get through everything.
As you guide your girl through this course, you will be able to fully control the order of the content. You will able to preview everything with the help of the guide notes and expandable menu options. You can take as long as you want to go through it.
You know best what your girl is ready to hear.
You know what she’s experiencing. You know the lessons that will serve her now and the ones that should wait for later.
So you’ll have time to go at her pace.
We want our girls to have ALL the education, but we are sensitive to their needs at this moment in time.
This course lets you bounce around between lessons.
You can choose the timing that seems right for you and your girl. You can do a few lesson now, another one in a few months, another one next year, come back and review anytime.
We didn’t even number the lessons because we didn’t want to place any pressure on you— the one guiding your child through it — to use a predetermined plan. You make the plan, and you plot the course on your own terms with her.
Every girl needs to know her body where it is now and where it will be.
Maybe you have a 14-year-old who wants skincare advice and needs to see a gynecologist next week due to a lump she found on her vulva even though she hasn’t started her menstrual cycle yet. This course will help prepare and educate her.
Or maybe you {also} have a 9-year-old who has started her period, hates fashion, loves to cook, but she deals with constipation. This course will help prepare and educate her.
Don’t Wait to Teach Your Girl How to Handle This Stuff
If you have a girl around the ages of 9-14 place your order for the Fit2B Girls eCourse today, and you’ll gain access to this series of life-changing lessons that will positively grow your girl and your relationship with her for years to come!
She is my mini-me but oh-so-different than me. You know what I mean, right?
She was turning 10 here when I first started putting this course together. I ran all of it by her, and she’s pretty sure your girl will laugh, learn and like it just like she did.
Seriously, even if you wait to show some of the lessons in this course to your girl for a few months {or next year} you should still get this course now so your daughter can know this vital, basic information before she wakes up to a surprise.
You won’t regret it. I promise.Â
I personally guarantee that if you get this course, and it’s seriously not the right fit for your girl… If you preview it after buying it, and you can’t use a single lesson to help educate and empower your girl… No worries. Just let my team know, and we’ll refund you.
Because it has to be right for her, and I believe it will be.
Remember, you’ll always have forever-access to this course with no additional fees for fresh content. So, don’t wait. Get it and start peeking through it today. It will change your girls life, and maybe your life, too.
**Save BIG when you bundle this course in a Premium Membership. Â Learn more here!**
Becky J –
“I already printed off the bones page for my girls to fill in!!! We are going to be using it as our science portion of their school day! I love the positive affirmation part of it!!’ – Becky J.
Sara S. –
“The course is just incredible. I have learned so much- especially about hormones and cycles. I LOVE the midwife section about what to expect for the first gyn visit. It is all brilliant. I LOVE your anatomy section, and it is just so tastefully done. It doesn’t surprise me at all, because you are so thoughtful and wise.” – Sara S.
Jennifer M. –
“I really enjoyed the course and am really looking forward to going through it again more slowly and with my girls.” – Jennifer M.
Rebecca W. –
“The course is AWESOME!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of you that contributed. I have been blessed to look through this. I cannot wait to begin looking through this with my older two.” – Rebecca W.
Anna W. –
“I really liked Dr. Sara’s way of clearly and concisely discussing each of her different points. I think she went into enough detail to define, clarify, and clearly describe what she was talking about, but didn’t get too complicated with it. I even learned a few things myself.” – Anna W.
Kristen (verified owner) –
My daughters (ages 12 and 14) loved this informative, helpful course! As a mom, I was thrilled to find something that communicated this information in a positive, clear, holistic way. Thank you!
Leslie (verified owner) –
I really love the course and the approach the contributors took in their talks and info!
lmbb2121 (verified owner) –
I learned so much about myself and I got this class for my daughter. With the transition of becoming a lady this has helped tremendously. Thank you ladies!!!