Exercise Around The World: Explore The Geographical Roots of Fitness through Movement


Workout while learning some geography, history & fun facts about 8 different countries. Each lesson features a workout style invented in that part of the world, plus 10% of proceeds from this course go to a good cause! Scroll down to learn more!

Exercise Around The World: Explore The Geographical Roots of Fitness through Movement - Fit2B.com - Fit2B knows women wonder, “What can I do to stay motivated to exercise?” Beth Learn, core fitness specialist, knows fitness motivation fades quickly without something new and fun to learn. Her newest course uses a variety of civilizations around the world to spark that Monday motivation and keep you coming back to the routines and lessons day after day. Click through for access to this home workout with TummySafe diastasis recti exercises. #fit2b #diastasisrecti #homeworkout #fitnessmotivation
Exercise Around The World: Explore The Geographical Roots of Fitness through Movement