S2:2 The One About Aging With Patrice Hazan

S2:2 The One About Aging with Partice Hazen - Fit2B.com - As we grow older, we discover that AGING IS BEAUTIFUL, but difficult. Will the biopsychosocial assessment to exercise help aging women achieve healthy aging? Can exercise reverse some of the effects of aging? #aging #aginggracefully #agingwell #agingparents #healthyaging #aginglikefinewine #agingwithattitude #agingbeautifully #diastasisrecti #diastasis #fit2b #healthylife #healthylifestyle #homefitness #fitnessmom #fitnessforlife #exercisephysiology #exercisetherapy #exerciseathome #momlife

Aging is happening right now to you and me. Can our exercise reverse some of the effects of aging? If we workout WITH people, do we get more out of our motions? How can we help people who are already suffering from lack of motion in their senior years? Patrice Hazan, physical therapist and founder of GroupHab, joins us for this episode that will enlighten our listeners with ways to age gracefully. We can do a lot – biologically, sociologically, and psychologically – to keep our bodies feeling and functioning younger ways. Listen now to find out how!

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