We usually stick to female core fitness here on Fit2B Radio, but males deal with core dysfunction and pelvic pain, too! We asked Dr. Susie Gronski, author of Pelvic Pain: The Ultimate Cock Block, to be a guest on our show and discuss what guys need to know about their pelvic floor. Dr. Susie Gronski is a licensed doctor of physical therapy and a board certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner. In addition to knowing a lot about your private parts, she’s also a certified health coach. Simply put, she’s the doctor for ”everything down there.” She provides real advice without the medical fluff, sort of like a friend who knows the lowdown down below. Her approach is unique and straightforward, and we especially love how she discussed how spouses and partners can be understanding and help guys dealing with various issues below the belt.
Men’s DIY Pelvic Pain Relief Program
Dr. Susie’s hands-on training program
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