Payback Is a — Cinch!

We know how hard it is to take time to exercise. Your job wears you out. Your munchkins wear you out. Body and soul, you are tired. You might wonder if you have any energy left to put into a decent workout. 

What do you usually buy to boost your energy? Coffee? Soda? How much do you sometimes spend to “get away” from your day? Like your internet or cable bill or the cost of going to a movie or out to eat? Fitness pays back at higher interest rates than any money market account or stock portfolio, and it won’t hang around on your hips like a desperately-downed dessert.

When you exercise, you don’t just receive the energy back that you put into it … You receive even more!!! When I was a student getting my degree in Exercise and Sport Science at OSU, I looked at research that proved how the human body responds to just one strenuous workout a week. It responds even better to an easy workout done every day. But the best, most optimum situation is cardio  or body resistance training (like pilates or yoga or weights) done every day or every other day.

When you take just 15 to 20 minutes each day to watch and follow along with one of our videos, you will start to see changes. You will start to feel better, more balanced. You will enjoy life more, and you will look better doing it! Payback is a cinch when you make health a habit.

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