Move Those Mommy Muscles! Tip #15

Pregnancy, then labor, then birth, then nursing, then carrying carseats, then … Face it! Motherhood is hard on a woman! If her mommy muscles aren’t strong enough, nursing will pull her posture out of place and carrying all that gear will strain her back. And let’s not forget the endless hours of back-patting while we hold perfectly still in strange positions. Certain muscles need special attention so that mamas can stay strong for their babies and grandbabies … and great-grandbabies! Read the full article here!

Nursing stretches and strains the trapezius and rhomboids. Leaning over a crib to pat an almost-sleeping back can really torque the lumbar spine. Standing and bouncing for endless hours does a number on the sacral muscles, lower back and hips. And what about carrying a diaper bag on one arm and a baby on the other while dragging a belligerent toddler along?

If motherhood is your main job … wait, motherhood is every mom’s main job … then you need to train for that job. Motherhood is VERY physical. My sister likes to call her kids her little parasites. And she’s right! They constantly clamor for attention, affection and energy from us. If you want to know more about how to keep your body strong so that your kids don’t wear you down so much, I have an entire amazing article that I wrote for Factoidz 🙂 Read the full article here!

3 thoughts on “Move Those Mommy Muscles! Tip #15

  1. Kayla Fioravanti says:

    Awesome post — I always thought (wrongly) that baby weight would fall right off because motherhood is so much physical work. But it takes more concentrate effort than lifting, spinning, playing and hauling.

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