Member Review: Becky’s Blog

Of course I love hearing what my members are saying about my online workout site, Fit2B Studio. I’ve told them that if they ever want a one-month credit (just $7.95) they can write a blog about how their membership has helped them get in shape. This review arrived in my facebook messages today. It has not been re-touched or edited in any way, except for paragraph formatting. Thanks for this amazing feedback from Becky, a fellow blogger.

“I ‘recently’ joined Fit2Be studios and am enjoying my time as an avid non-gym-goer. The story of how I got involved in participating is as follows: I was a little hesitant at first as we were kind of strapped for cash at the time I saw Bethany’s blurbs about her fitness studio on FB. I waited and I watched and I continued to feel frumpy and lethargic. Finally, I saw on FB that there was a discount time coming up to join and I had seen enough good comments from other moms that I knew my time had come. I asked my husband and with the added draw of a discount he said yes. I dove right in, and I can honestly say I feel better after the workouts. 

“I started on the beginners path and have continued on from there. The workouts started out slow and steady, and it was not done by some super perky, hyper, bouncy, guilt-laying-on person that I did not care for but followed directions from anyways. It was done by someone I considered a friend, someone I knew who realized the daily demands that life and life with children puts on you. If she (bethany) had time to film the videos and offer them to me at a low price, I definetly had time to at least TRY them out. 

“Honestly, being strapped for cash has not hindered paying for the workouts…its way cheaper than the cheap gym we used to go to and I get the added benifit of doing them at home. I don’t have to worry about buying decent workout clothes in case guys happen to be at the gym. I don’t have to worry about only doing the workouts when my husband is not around because of scantily clad ladies bouncing around. Don’t get me wrong, Bethany can DEFINETLY be quite perky and fun, but I don’t feel guilt from her that I am not the same way. Just a steady encouragement that I can get there too.

“One of the other things I love about Fit2Be is that I can pause the videos whenever I need and get back to it when I need. I would not recommend doing this often as it might throw you off the rhythm of the workout, but knowing that I CAN do that is great. I could do that before with other workout videos as well, but I was never told by the instructor, “if you have to pause and take care of the kids, go ahead”, nor did I laugh as much as I have with these workouts. 

“I love Bethany’s honesty and openess about dealing with life. She did a video where she had a banana tattoo from her kids and she made mention of it in her video, it brought a smile to my face and what she said really got to me… “not everyone is so lucky as I am to have one of these”…she loves her kids, she loves workouts and she loves being a help to those that need it. 

“I have recommended her site to a couple of new moms (as I still feel that way after 15 months!) as a great alternative to the “norm”. Stealing 10-15 minutes here and there with a baby is definetly do-able and the workouts leave me feeling refreshed instead of ready to collapse. Check it out for yourself, you will not be sorry you did!”

-Member, Becky J. 
Visit Becky’s Blog Here

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