5 Reasons to Become a Fit2B Affiliate

5 reasons you should become an affiliate with Fit2B

Every mama body needs attention, care, nourishment, rest, & movement, no matter what age she is!
Referring people to Fit2B for family-friendly home fitness videos that are TummySafe for diastasis recti and knee friendly, is so easy! As a thank you we give back to you! All you need to do is sign up as an affiliate with Fit2B here and then just use your special link whenever you’re talking about us online.

Here are 5 reasons you should join Fit2B’s affiliate program:

  1. You will make money!
    • You’re already talking about us and linking to us, so why not get paid for it?
    • Who doesn’t want a little extra spending money for special occasions and treats?
    • We pay out every month via PayPal. If you make over $1 – which is super easy – in a month, you will be paid on the 5th of that next month.
  2. We are generous!
    • You get 50% of every e-course people buy through your link
    • You get 10% of every tangible product such as necklaces and tummy creme
    • You get 35% of initial membership payment
    • We do not require that you make a minimum amount to be paid each month.
    • We have lots of awesome graphics and tools waiting for you in your affiliate portal.
  3. It could pay for your own membership to Fit2B each month!
    • If someone joins as a monthly member their first month is $38.99 ($14.99 + $24 sign up fee).  You’ll receive 35% of that which is $13.65.
    • If you refer a bunch of people and 1 of them joins for a year, you get 35% of that $139 payment. You’ll receive $48.64!
    • A Premium Membership is $179.  You’ll receive $62.65!  This is our best option as members receive access to all workouts, e-courses and more.  Plus, they are locked into a $99 renewal rate.
    • We also offer e-courses individually including our Experts on Diastasis e-course and our popular Fit2B Girls e-course plus several others.  You’ll receive 50% of those sales.
  4. We offer extra incentives and bonuses to our affiliate partners!
    • We offer fun games and giveaways for our affiliates to motivate you at key times throughout the year!
    • You’ll have the chance to win prizes from us like a Roku, foam roller, dumbbells, and more, all while helping people learn more about their core.
  5. You’ll be a part of something amazing that truly helps people!
    • Our mission is to change lives one tummy at a time. We start with our clients’ cores and then move outward AND inward. By educating and training people on safe exercise mechanics, we enable them to be stronger for their families, communities and our whole world!
    • Many feel hopeless and depressed about their tummies. They’re hurting and deflated and discouraged by all the fitness programs that have made their injuries worse! When you share Fit2B, you share hope and direction and inspiration! You share a new beginning, a new chance to approach fitness from a fresh angle that promotes self-care with affordable, sustainable workouts.

5 Reasons to Become a Fit2B Affiliate - Fit2B.com - Have you ever wondered if you could somehow make money and support your love of fitness? Can becoming an affiliate help with your exercise goals? #fitness #fit #fitfam #fitmom #fitmama #makemoney #health #healthy #exercise #momlife #momonamission #passiveincome #diastasisrectirecovery #core #corestrengtheningDo you need to have a blog?

While our top earners are bloggers who have written about us and use our ad-widgets in their sidebar so they get continual clicks, you do not need to have a blog to be an affiliate. You can use your link in your email, in facebook conversations, on twitter, or any other online media outlet.

Just like you’d share an article link, that’s how you’ll share your affiliate link to Fit2B. And you can decide where your link takes people within Fit2B thanks to our link generator. Just copy and paste the URL of the page where you want to direct your friends or fans, and our system generates a new link that has your affiliate info embedded into it. Easy peasy!

If you’re a new blogger…

You might not be sure where to begin or how to embed our links into your site if you’re still new to blogging. This blog at Selah Press has 10 tips to help you as a baby blogger. It’s written by the woman who got ME into blogging… and that blog became Fit2B!

Also, when you become a Fit2B affiliate, we walk you through the process and give you everything you need from tips, tools and tracking, as well as graphics and great support. Plus, we have a facebook forum for our affiliates where you can ask questions and stay informed.

What are you waiting for?

It’s so easy! Take the first steps to becoming a Fit2B affiliate and learn more here today! Then blog about us if you’re a blogger {or we can arrange a guest post from Beth for you} or just use your link whenever you’re talking about us online with your friends or followers. Start earning with Fit2B right now!

5 reasons you should become an affiliate with Fit2B
Click this image to learn more about all the benefits of our affiliate program and sign up today!

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