Giving gifts of fitness is awkward sometimes, and you have to be careful how you present your present, if you know what I mean. Just last week, I “tipped” the guy who dropped off and installed my new-to-me washer and dryer with 3 free months on Fit2B Studio to give his wife. He looked a little nervous about the idea, telling me that she currently weighs 200 lbs, and her boyfriend before him had told her she’d be prettier if she worked out more. We had a good laugh at the Ex’s foible, and I assured him there are better ways to gift healthy-focused items.
To help you see the contrast between “good” and “bad” ways to present gifts such as fitness memberships or workout videos or treadmills, I polled the members in our private member forum:
Good Way: “I know you’ve expressed an interest in getting healthier and more fit. Would this help you?” -Fit2B Studio member, Susie M.
Bad Way: “Here, fatty, thought you could use this. You’ve put on a few pounds, so here ya go.” -Fit2B Studio member, Mary C.
Good Way: “I know you’ve been looking into resources for getting healthier, and I want to support you however I can. Here is an online membership that I pre-paid for you. I’ve been in your shoes, and I remember how hard it was to get my body back as a mom. I think it’s great to take time for yourself to feel healthier, and I love your motivation to do that!” -okay that one is me 😉
Bad Way: “Are you really going to eat that? Oh hey, let’s get a gym membership.” -Fit2B Studio member, Alecia H.
Yes, people say those terrible things. But you could also spend just $15 to $129 for a month or a year of fitness for a loved one in your life and say one of those nicer things. Most people WANT to take care of themselves and move everyday. They just feel defeated when people poke at them with well-intended or “joking” comments about their weight. If you’re still looking for a last minute gift, just purchase a membership for yourself and then make your username and password with your giftee’s name in mind. Wrap up the info they’ll need in a pretty box and SAY something NICE! Click HERE for more membership info!