Midnight Madness & Fitness

It was 10:42 p.m. “We look like the tail-end of a hollywood love-making scene,” I told my hubby, eying the sheets pulled up around us. “zzZZSssNRK! Hm?” He wasn’t really awake, but I was. Tons of energy and mind abuzz. I flung back the covers. “I’m gonna workout for a bit,” I announced.

“Wha- huh?” I left him to his satisfied snoring, got out my dumbbells, stretchy bands and ab roller. Within 15 minutes I had put our warm-up to good use. Now if you’re embarassed by this peek into my life with my man, let me remind you that it’s nothing more than you see on TV-14 shows, and we have more of a right to do what we do than the actors who get paid for it.

Plus, I want you to look past The Act of Marriage and see me as a mother and wife, finding time for fitness where she can. Sometimes it’s 30-minutes of recumbent riding during my toddler’s nap. On this particular day it was 15-minutes of heavy breathing after, well, some other form of heavy breathing.

Don’t accuse me of not be family-friendly. This blog post is the very essence of family. I woke up that morning after just a few hours of sleep. My son had been up most of the night, barfing and diarrhea-ing (how else can I put that?). I made coffee, did homeschool with my kindergarten girl, talked to my sister and mom on the phone about Thanksgiving and Christmas, made lunch, networked online during naptime, played “Guess Who” with my daughter, gave snacks, nursed the baby, made dinner, talked to a friend in need of a shoulder, put the kids to bed, made love to my husband of 9 years … And that’s when I finally found the time and energy to workout.

I’m just sayin’ … This is my reality. This is my life. And it was a good day 🙂

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