I’m Bethany, Not a Bimbo!

If there’s one important thing I’ve learned about the deep desires that everyone seems to have concerning their physical fitness it’s that you don’t want to be intimidated by a skinny bimbo at the gym. I mean, it’s nice to see what kind of body we all might be able to work for – if we could starve ourselves and exercise for 8 hours a day – but that’s NOT real. 

I assure you, I’m quite real. I know a lot about fitness: I have a degree in 
Exercise and Sport Science from Oregon State University. I am a certified group fitness instructor through the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. But all of that … my degree and my certifications … That is only a small chunk of who I am.

My friends know me as a very outspoken wife and mom with two rugrats, one cat, three chickens, several spiders with a death wish, slugs in my petunia patch, and a diesel mechanic husband. I’ve got the baby pooch,  cellulite, bags under my eyes, and bragging rights that go with two natural childbirths. my floor is covered in cheerios and something else I’m not sure of… That is me. I am real. No fake boobs or face lifts. In fact, my hair is even it’s natural color! Not that I’m against dyeing hair or anything …

Anyway! You might not have a mechanic man or any chickens, but I’m willing to bet that you’re still a lot like me. Your schedule is probably crazy like mine, and every day is different. I can’t imagine having to buy a gym membership, find childcare, and get presentable enough to just break a sweat in public. 

My dream is to create a beautiful and comfortable space where anyone can exercise anywhere at anytime. You will NEVER see me half-naked with my fanny hanging out of my low-rise yoga pants and my cleavage popping out of my shirt. You will NEVER hear me use the phrases “work it!” or “Feel the burn!” Sorry to disappoint, but I’m just keepin’ it real! 

“Fit2B” is about you, not me. I’m not out to show you my perfect body … Remember the baby pooch and cellulite? I don’t have a perfect body. Who does? I’m here for the journey with you and for you.

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