Guest Post: Spiritual Obesity

Guest Blogger: Kate Palermini

Hi, my name is Kate, and I have recently started writing a blog called Spirtually Obese. It’s been on my mind for a while to start a blog writing about my own struggles with weight and faith. As an overweight Christian woman, I have often been told that if I just relied on God enough, then my weight problems would be solved. This might be the case for some people, but it’s always been more of a struggle for me. Thus, the idea of Spiritually Obese was born.

I have struggled with my weight since high school. I have tried tons of diets and exercise regimes. I have worked out with personal trainers, and I have worked out at home. In all of this, I have learned that it’s all about your mental attitude when it comes to being healthy.

Because of my struggle with emotional eating, I have a hard time controlling the power that food has over me. It is only by a complete mindset change that I will be able to defeat my weight problems.
I started the blog because I felt an overwhelming urge to share my story with my friends and family. I chose to be open and vulnerable with not only my struggles with weight, but also my struggles in living a life of faith. I know that I am not the only person who has these kinds of problems, and I hope that through this others can realize that they are not alone.

Every person on this planet struggles with something in their lives. Paul (of the Bible) had a β€œthorn of the flesh” that he was constantly fighting. It’s easier for me to address mine because it’s so out there. You can tell that I have a problem with food just by looking at me.

I am obviously not perfect. Yet, I do believe that God is constantly at work within me to make me a better person both physically and spiritally.Β So, right now, here I am: Spiritually Obese. This is me, but it’s not who I am becoming.

5 thoughts on “Guest Post: Spiritual Obesity

  1. Jean Kelsey says:

    Hi Kate, thank you for sharing your story. You are right everyone has their own story and their own hurdles to climb. I think that your blogging about it will be a fantastic way for you to get yourself to where you want to be. Bravo for you for having the guts to spear head your emotional eating issues. The people that will come into your life from your blogging are going to change your life, I know it has for me. God bless!

  2. FatinKhwarizmi says:

    Great Idea Kate your step toward blogging, be sure that so many will be interested to read your writing and live with you your experience & your emotions . every one of us has something to say & to share about his life & the potential of it !
    good luck, I will register certainly to your blog πŸ™‚

  3. June Stoyer says:

    Kate, beauty is skin deep. You have to love yourself and once you do, nothing else will matter. It is hard but just know that there are many people who care about you. You are doing something great by posting about your experiences. You never know whose life it will change for the better. Keep up the fantastic work!

  4. Alyssa McVey says:

    My thoughts exactly! I love how you articulated it. It’s all about mindset. Nothing I try will work unless I have the right mindset. It doesn’t mean that I “don’t want it enough”, but that I am not in the best place I can be right now.

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