Announcing “Experts on Diastasis Recti” eCourse

New eLearning course featuring multiple professionals in the fields of healthy and fitness UNITING TOGETHER from around the world to take on diastasis recti!

With so much WRONG information about the core out there and bad advice about how to safely tone your tummy and strengthen your whole midsection, it has become vitally important to me that provide the RIGHT education from MANY viewpoints. So a couple years ago, I began dreaming and talking with my co-founder Chris Behnke about making our own online eLearning course where we would invite other experts – like the ones I’ve learned from who have helped me – to participate, all with the goal of being connected and presenting a united front in this battle for core truth!

New eLearning course featuring multiple professionals in the fields of healthy and fitness UNITING TOGETHER from around the world to take on diastasis recti!

Well, it’s here, and we have been partying!!! It has indeed taken us a couple of years to accomplish this mighty and amazing task, but we’ve done it! The course that educates on the entire core canister is NOW available! To celebrate, we corralled some delightful giveaways and had fun picking winners, which you can see below.

I’m LOVING the Experts on Diastasis Recti course!!! It has been so encouraging to know that I’m on the right track and brilliant to have so many disciplines work together. Bethany Learn is just too cute, passionate and encouraging in her video. Thank you Bethany for sharing such wonderful information.” -Sarah Pelfrey, certified pre/postnatal specialist and founder of Moms2Bfit

This course – like everything on Fit2B Studio’s online workout portal for home fitness lovers – is radically different. Not only does it combine articles, video, quizzes and more into an easy-to-navigate lesson plan, but each professional has contributed from their area of expertise to help men, children and women better understand the role of their abs, diaphragm, pelvic floor, alignment, movement, nutrition, and more!

Find out what roles nutrition, physical therapy and fitness play in the healing of your core when you take the new "Experts on Diastasis Recti" ecourse

Chiropractic care, belly binding and your pelvic floor ALL tie into your core health! Find out how in the NEW eLearning course from

C-section recovery, the way you practice Yoga and psychotherapeutic considerations ALL NEED TO BE CONSIDERED when healing your poochy belly!


When you finish this course, you will KNOW what your personal “missing piece” is and will be able to move forward in reclaiming your muddled middle. These experts truly want to help you; they are more than just their titles and are truly qualified and experienced, all of them super passionate about what they do! Plus, we’ve set the course up to make it simple for you to connect with them and learn more after you’re done!

Fit2B's project management team at Choose Growth working hard on the course's development!
Fit2B’s project management team at Choose Growth working hard on the course’s development!

Check it out HERE!

Sign up as an affiliate to help us promote it and earn from it HERE!

Party Time!!! Let’s open the gifts!

Several of the expert contributors to our new eCourse donated some FUN goodies for our celebration to use as giveaways. ReCORE Fitness gave away a ReCore program in a flash giveaway during the Facebook/Twitter #diastasisexperts party between 6-7pmPT 9/16 and the winner was Danielle Fish. The contest below went from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PDT on Tuesday, September 16th! Winners are listed as shown, having been chosen randomly via rafflecopter; scroll down to see it all!

Experts on Diastasis Recti eCourse |

Our c-section recovery expert, Lorraine of Pregnancy Exercise and, gave away one 4-week FitMum online program and one Turning Baby course to help moms get babies head down and ready for birth! WINNERS: Sarah Parente & Christina Huie

Our physical therapist and abdominal anatomy specialist, Kelly of The Tummy Team, offered up 2 lucky winners their choice of her two online ab rehab programs: Core Foundations or Prenatal Core Training … If you’re a nurse or PT yourself, you should consider her CEU courses! WINNERS: Danielle Jones & Julie Mauno

Welcome Wendy Powell, founder of MuTu System for healing mummy tummies to the world's premier "Experts on Diastasis Recti" course!
That’s right, Wendy is joining us as an expert (we just don’t have her in the “grid” yet LOL)

Tackling one of the stickiest subjects of all (alignment and what to do when your DR isn’t closing) is Wendy of MuTu System who provided 2 winners with a kit bag containing a band, loop and small ball + their choice of her 12-week MuTu Program or MuTu Focus! WINNERS: Sarah Klepacz & Laura Debiasi

Here at Fit2B Studio, we gave away 1 Lifetime Membership to our workouts (winner: Rosemary Kinkade), a Roku 1 Streaming Player (winner: Charline Lancaster), a Google Chromecast streaming medial player stick (winner: Tami Pace Rhymes), and the winners awarded FREE access to the “Experts on Diastasis Recti” course are Suzanne Brown & Amy Formo, the winners!

Our nutrition expert, Dave of True Health Unlimited is giving away one copy of each of his eBooks: Fitness True Health Tips, Real Food Therapy Guide, Y.E.S.-Your Eating Solution.workbook. WINNERS: Adrienne Urban, Lia Wentz, Raquel Evans

Kim the Fitness Doula with Pelvienne Wellness is our pelvic floor specialist {a.k.a. The Daring One who talks about the privatest muscles in your bum and how to strengthen them safely and effectively} offered up a Core Confidence Program and the winner is Juli Starling!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


13 thoughts on “Announcing “Experts on Diastasis Recti” eCourse

  1. Natasha says:

    Hi Bethany,
    I stumbled upon your website one day and never realized the dramatic transformation that happened when I started to rethink how I was treating my core. I’ve learned so much with last month’s subscription, so I’m sure this course will be the icing on the cake. How long will we have access to the course once we begin?

    • Beth Learn, Fit2B says:

      Hello Vandoll, you will have access forever after you purchase it. You can watch it as many times as you want PLUS we are adding more to it with a couple more experts, and you’ll get those added lessons right away once they’re loaded. Exciting times!

  2. Megan says:

    I am so excited to be a member and begin my work outs. My youngest is 6. I had four c-sections and, after doing Pilates for years, I am a HOT MESS. I did a lot of research before joining Fit2Be and I have shared all your wonderful-ness with our mamas groups on FB. Woot!

  3. Betty says:

    I am long since childbirth, but I can still see how the exercises and info here can (and does) apply to me. So glad I learned about you and am anxious to begin my first course! Much thanks!

  4. Michelle says:

    This is a wonderful workout site! Lots of routines for everyone and Beth is very educated on what she’s passionate about…Fitness, Birth, and Diastasis! Anyone can do her workouts! She cares about all her clients and will take the times to answer any questions you may have! I didn’t even know what Diastasis was until I met Bethany! Highly recommend her Fit2B site and anyone else she has recommends on her team!

  5. Danielle says:

    Thank you so much for getting such a healthy knowledgeable team of experts together to supply us at home with good information! It is so nice to see this information being offered to those of us who had no idea where to start. I am 25 weeks pregnant with our second boy and I had a csection with our first. I can tell a huge difference this time around and I am having a lot more pain this time around and just found all of this great info. Hope to win a prize tonight to help me 🙂 Thanks again!!

  6. Carrie Loofbourrow says:

    This course looks really good, looking forward to checking it out more and maybe being able to get it soon! 🙂 And congratulations to all the winners!!! May they be super blessed by these gifts! 🙂

  7. Laura says:

    How rare is it to 1) win something at all and 2) win something that you want and need at the exact time you need it! God is good. Thank you Bethany and Wendy! I can’t wait to try the 12-week MuTu System. Thank you! 🙂

    • Julie-Anne Mauno says:

      Laura, this is exactly how I feel about my prize too! It was exactly what I prayed for and needed. I’m so excited! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Leaking urine during {or after} exercise isn't "normal"

  9. Pingback: Researching Diastasis Recti and 3 TummySafe Gym Routines

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