Wordless Where Are You Wednesday

It’s a rap about organic food stores. It will leave you laughing and wordless, and it tells you where I’m at.

If you have no idea why I have deviated from my usual fitness rantings, you need to know about something special that happens on twitter on Wednesdays. Well, two things really. One is “Wordless Wednesdays” and “where in the world are you?” I decided to combine them this week with a video that will leave you wordless – laughing, but wordless. Plus, it will show you a piece of my culture. I don’t live in California, but we have a few of these stores nearby, and this is so utterly realistic.

1 thoughts on “Wordless Where Are You Wednesday

  1. Jessie @ MomVantage says:

    LOL that is a great video! So many things are true! I can’t stand when you wait for a parking lot and someone snags it right out from under you! I wish I had a whole foods near me… Hope you are having a great Wednesday 🙂

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