The Criss Cross – Tip #5

“Kris-Kross will make you jump! Jump!” And the Pilates Criss-Cross will get your abs in shape. (I know I just dated myself.) Also known as the “bicycle crunch,” this abdominal exercise recruits more muscle fibers than any other ab motion. However, it is NOT safe for those dealing with diastasis because of how the twisting motion pulls the obliques apart.

If you have healthy tummy muscles, then go ahead and lay on your back, with your hands supporting your head and your feet in the air. Keep one leg straight, while you pull the other knee down toward your chest. If you brought your RIGHT knee in, then lift your torso and twist so that your LEFT elbow heads toward your RIGHT knee. To make it harder, lower your legs and hold an elevated crunch position while twist back and forth until you are tired. To make it easier, start with your feet on the floor, and bring one leg up at a time. If you cannot keep your navel pulled to your spin while doing this, then stop.

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