AwEsomeNESS from Fit2b

We provide a radically different sort of fitness: the kind that doesn’t leave you feeling exhausted and “less than.” The kind that is safe but effective for ALL bodies, especially ones that work from home while juggling all the things. Try our office workouts today for FREE and see a small sample of the workouts and fun fitness ecourses we stream to over 40 countries worldwide. Exercise doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. You can do it right at your desk, in your living room, with your family. Get the office workout collection today and let us show you how!

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4 problems with P.E. Classes in America

Physical education (P.E.) classes have been part of the education system of most schools in [...]

5 Minute Lower Body Mobility – E/TS

here is the first of my very own style of dance aerobics. It's quite similar [...]

5 Min Upper Body Mobility – E/TS

here is the first of my very own style of dance aerobics. It's quite similar [...]

PeriMenoPower – M/TS

here is the first of my very own style of dance aerobics. It's quite similar [...]

The News & Moves

A fresh Fit2B workout sample, exercise tip, contributor spotlight, and links to any new content [...]


Jump Strength – M/TS

here is the first of my very own style of dance aerobics. It's quite similar [...]

The Benefits Of Online Fitness

Are you unable or unwilling to join a gym right now? Hey, I get it. [...]

💚💛Basic Dance Aerobics – E/TS

here is the first of my very own style of dance aerobics. It's quite similar [...]

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