There is no standardized pathway of care for diastasis.
Males and females can have diastasis rectus abdominis.

Your abdominal wall function is more important than diastasis width.
Fit2B recently partnered with top research physio Grainne Donnelly (BscHons Pg Cert HCPC MCSP) to compile an in-depth survey to help us learn more about abdominal separation and the impacts it has on lifestyle and fitness choices. Conflicting information abounds, and no standardized treatment exists. We got 1,024 responses to the first round of questions from people worldwide. Then we conducted a secondary survey, and those inputs are being looked at in Fall, 2021. The first round’s paper has been written, and we are awaiting publication.
We offered 2 surveys over the course of 2019-2021 and received thousands of responses!
Participants were compensated with a free printable & Ecourse
We will use this to educate our peers and help more people.
Beth has created 16 ecourses and filmed over 300 Diastasis-Aware workout videos on Fit2B that offer specific strategies for making a strategic return to fitness within the prenatal and postnatal stages. She holds a bachelors degree in Exercise and Sport Science, is a registered Yoga teacher, and has been a personal trainer and group fitness instructor for over 20 years.
Grainne specialises in all elements of pelvic floor
dysfunction and has a particular interest in Diastasis Recti. She is passionate about moving the focus of pelvic healthcare to preventative strategies and providing pre and postnatal women with the information and access to help that they need to safeguard their pelvic health and well-being.
Fit2B is an online workout provider offering unlimited access to 300+ tummysafe workouts including cardio, weights, intervals, Yoga, Tabata, Pilates, foam rolling, kettlebells, circuits, kids fitness, and more! We are passionate about standing in the gap for those who have been led to believe that diastasis means death to dumbbells. The right exercise strategies can improve core dysfunction. Come workout with us, and we’ll prove it!
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