Consider Cloth – Tip #19

The garbage that your home and family tosses out on a weekly basis dramatically increases when you have children, and disposables add even more to the dump. Environmental fitness is part of your overall wellness, so why not consider cloth diapering. Full time cloth diapering might feel expensive and time-consuming at first, but it is one more way to go green. You don’t have to do it full time. Many parents are hybrid cloth/disposable users.

My own son is a very heavy wetter, so I have to change his cloth every 2 hours during the day. I used disposables at night, because I could fill his Fuzzi Bunz with four inserts, and he would still soak through it all by 2 a.m. I’m just not THAT committed, thank you very much.

If you are thinking about ditching disposables, and you are considering cloth diapers, you are not limited to safety pins and plastic pants. My article about The Pros and Cons of Cloth Diapering highlights several brands, washing methods, storage and ways to save more money… Read More!

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