“I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your workouts. I love your progressive approach to exercise and your warm and friendly personality. I tell anyone who wants to hear about Fit2b! Where else do you get top quality workouts by a super friendly and competent trainer at a bargain price? I’m not particularly religious, I don’t care if you are wearing your modest clothes or a parka. I know this however, when I do your workouts, I feel my body is safe, stronger and healing. I thank the universe for loving caring people like yourself. Thank you Bethany xox.”
-Fit2B in Quebec Canada, Marisa F.
What we believe about FITNESS…

… is that fitness starts on the INSIDE at the core level. True fitness isn’t about the size of your six-pack or the bulge of your biceps. True fitness is performing the basic functional activities of your everyday life with confidence, balance and strength. True fitness is volunteering to set up sandbags in your flooded community. True fitness is the ability to say yes to jumping on a trampoline with your child and grandchildren without any fear of injuring or soiling yourself. When you are “fit to be” chasing the dreams placed in your heart that fulfill the purpose you have here on Earth, that is true fitness. True fitness is living a life of healthy abundance in diet, lifestyle, faith, family, friends, and physical well-being.
What we believe about Food…
… is that food choices should be organic and non-GMO whenever possible. We believe food equals calories, but not all calories are created equal. We really REALLY really like food, and we like food to taste good, but we want to feel good after we eat it, too! Therefore, we like a balanced approach to eating. We believe that we are what we eat. Garbage in, garbage out. We believe in eating wholesome real food as close to the earth as possible. We believe food has the power to heal and harm. We believe food is meant for fueling our body’s functions and movements, but we can obsess about food just like any other idol that consumes our thoughts. We believe we could make all the right or wrong food choices, and that wouldn’t save us from a car crash. We believe we need spiritual food, not just physical food if we are to truly thrive not just survive.
What we believe about Family…

… is that family is the place where impressions are made and dreams are born. Families who play together, stay together. Healthy families raise healthy kids who become healthy adults who make healthier lifestyle choices. We believe that when children are taught to respect themselves and respect others by considering how their personal choices affect their bodies, the bodies of those around them, and even the Earth’s body, they become responsible, aware members of our society. We believe that children are divine gifts from our Heavenly Father, and that when children are taught that their physical choices have emotional, spiritual and environmental reach, then their personal wellness will become a priority for them their whole lives.
What we believe about Finery & Frills…
…is that fine make-up and clothing are only skin deep. As moms, our bodies show that we are tigers who have earned our stripes. We’ve had surgeries and zits, and we are REAL people! You can see for yourself how Bethany’s body changes as she keeps chasing this dream. We want to be an open book for our members, not a doll on a shelf. In the studio, we utilize a lot of pretty lighting and make-up and sound equipment so that we don’t look dead or sound hollow. However, NOTHING is airbrushed or faked. We keep it real, yet professional. In real life, Bethany lives in blue jeans and cute hats and very little foofing and primping.
What we believe about the Future…
… is that this Earth is NOT all there is to this life, yet we are called to be good stewards of this Earth. What we toss aside today, we will trip over tomorrow. We believe that both people and possessions can be redeemed and re-purposed to produce good in this world. We believe in life beyond the grave, and we believe the choices we make for ourselves and for our families have lasting impact. We believe in Eternity. We believe we will be called to account for our actions both in this world and the next. So we want to live our BEST, most abundant, most productive life while we are HERE, so that generations to come will be blessed because we lived our lives on purpose and with passion.
What we believe about FUN…
… is that we were created to have fun, to enjoy this life and the fruits of our labors. We were made to taste good food, to savor sweet times with our loved ones, to bask in the beauty of sunrises and sunsets, to play with exuberance, and to joyfully explore this world so full of adventure and mystery. The only kind of fun we avoid is the kind that, though it might be enjoyable to us, dishonors and disrespects the Creator or any creature in this creation. We believe there are so many FUN things to do without hurting anyone or anything, though, that the fun could never end! We play in our back yards, do board games, go skiing, go hiking, go RVing, go camping, watch movies, do Zumba, share meals with friends, run in races, raise chickens, scrapbook our photos, and much MUCH more! What do you do for fun?
What we believe about Faith…
… is that faith plays a dynamic role in our overall health and wellness. We believe in the One Creator who made us to love with all our heart, soul, mind, and strengths. While our workouts are not explicitly “religious,” we hope to provide a stark contrast to the worldly and sexually-driven options in the modern, mainstream fitness industry. We personally believe that Jesus, the son of the Most High Jehovah, came to perform the ultimate workout on Calvary so that we can live an ABUNDANT life. We believe that physical fitness plays a huge role in our spiritual fitness, that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit, and that making healthy choices further enhances our ability to fulfill our divine purpose in life. That said, this isn’t a “christian” site. Our members hail from all backgrounds, lifestyles, politics and beliefs, and everyone is respected and treated equally and with love.