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Hey, we are so excited for this years sale, and as an affiliate this is a VERY good opportunity for you as well, even more than normal! 

We are starting our sale a bit early this year, and letting it run “though” the weekend. This is a big change, and should allow you all to promote better and easier! 

1st thing you NEED to know about is a sweet opportunity to make 40% on ALL ticket sales for our first eConference on January 8th! (this is a bit higher than normal affiliate rate, so make sure you promote it!)

Bits Bones & Booties eConference! (see info here: )

This is our first conference, and it’s NOT NOT NOT going to be anything like you have every attended before! So, this is super great opportunity to promote this, we have 6 incredible speakers, as well as 6 new workouts. It will NOT be a zoom call, but a totally interactive, and immersive experience. Tony Robbins, you got nothing on us! 🙂

Please promote this heavily, this is a great opportunity to get people interested as well.

2nd thing you NEED to know about our sale starts a few days early and runs through cyber Monday. This is ALL of our opportunity to make this year count, and we are doing everything we can on our side to make your sales easier! 

Some things to keep in mind: 

Buzz: Hype & happiness around a special event… You can (and should) generate this BEFORE something amazing is going to happen, like this Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale!

  • How can you create buzz which leads to more conversions for you?
  • Talk about what you love about Fit2B
  • Share your favorite blogs with your affiliate link
  • Say how excited you are in your stories
  • Use video and pictures of your real use of Fit2B
  • Don’t overthink it. Just share!

Black Friday – Cyber Monday Sale will be Nov. 25th – 30th with everything 40% off, no code needed!!!

Fact: People NEVER buy into something they don’t know about. If you want to sell them on something, you have to help them understand what it’s about, why they need it, how it’s helped you, and why it’s a good use of their precious dollars. You can’t just post a link on sale day and expect it to convert UNLESS you have laid the foundation BEFORE that.

Things to share NOW to make sales later during the sale:

Share now. Sell Later.

WE strongly recommend doing several posts starting this weekend and THROUGH the sale. We have had some affiliates, even affiliates with small social reach and small email list make a few thousand dollars, but this ONLY happens with consistent strong promotion. 

You NEED to send multiple emails and do multiple posts.. 

Last thing! 

If you need ANYTHING, please reach out to me directly at [email protected] you can also text me at (+1) 917-719-5212 if you have any urgent questions or problems! 

Thanks again, let’s do this!
